Planning Timeline For Your Out-Of-State Move

Moving out of state is no small task, even if you have plans to hire a professional moving company. For such an extensive move, you must plan to ensure the move goes by as smoothly as possible and, most importantly, that you plan early. Learn more about the pre-move timeline to ensure you are prepared. 

Six Months Out

Now is the time to begin the process of locating a moving company. Moving companies can be hectic during certain times, such as the summer months. For this reason, if you want to secure a moving date that meets your needs, you want to set an appointment early. As you secure the moving company, it is also an excellent time to learn more about their weight and pricing requirements so that you can use this information to determine whether you need to downsize. 

Three Months Out

When the moving company arrives, the more organized you are for the move, the more efficient the process. To ensure you are prepared, three months is a great time to start organizing around your home, particularly items you do not use regularly. For example, if you are planning a move during the winter, now is an excellent time to start cleaning and packing away all your summer gear. Not only will this pre-planning tip help make the move go by faster, but the fact that you will pre-pack these boxes can also help you lower your costs. 

One Month Out

About one month out, you should take the time to clean the furniture and larger objects in your home in preparation for your move. Out-of-state moves can be complex in that weather can expose your household goods to different elements. Take a move during the warmer months, for instance. Given the higher temperatures, dirt and grime on your furniture can lead to bacteria growth. On certain materials, the bacteria's growth can result in staining and discoloration. A thorough cleaning before the move can eliminate this threat.  

One Week Out

About one week out from the move, do yourself a favor and organize your space. This step is helpful whether you packed up your own belongings or you planned to have the moving company pack your belongings. Whatever the case, the more organized your space, the easier it will be for the moving company to transport your household belongings to the moving truck. The easier this process, the less likely your items will be damaged. 

Make sure you follow this plan to ensure you are ready for your move out of state, and be sure to hire a moving company.

Contact interstate movers to learn more. 
